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Donor Spotlight

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Donor Spotlight: Taking a Bite Out of Dental Services

While nearly half of Chase Brexton dental patients have Medicaid coverage, Medicaid only pays for dental services for children and pregnant women, and Medicare does not pay for any dental services. Further, one-third of the population Chase Brexton served has not seen a dentist in the last year. But with the help of our partners and community members like you, we can change this.

Chase Brexton has expanded our state-of-the-art, Mt. Vernon dental center thanks to a $15,000 grant from the Herbert Bearman Foundation and help from Patterson Dental. The addition of a new exam room, valued at $22,440, is expected to allow an additional 1,200 visits per year, reducing wait time and improving access for patients requiring emergency services.

“Thank you to the Herbert Bearman Foundation and Patterson Dental,” says Dr. Brooks Woodward, Director of Dental Services. “This contribution has allowed us to greatly expand our dental services at the Mount Vernon Center, providing much-needed oral health services to our patient population, many of whom are underserved. In order to continue to provide this level of support to the community, it is essential that we receive support like this from our partners.”

To help support Chase Brexton’s dental services, click the "Donate Now" button above, or contact Alexa Milanytch, Director of Community Engagement, at